Sign On to Endorse the AHEAD Act (Affordable Housing for Educational Achievement Demonstration Act)
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The Affordable Housing for Educational Achievement Demonstration Act (AHEAD Act) of 2019
Homelessness can be a significant barrier to educational success for students across the country. Students experiencing homelessness have poorer academic outcomes, increased rates of absenteeism, and are less likely to graduate from high school. School districts are uniquely positioned to help prevent and address issues related to child and family homelessness while housing providers can play a critical role in promoting positive outcomes for children and families by providing stable housing opportunities and other services.
The Affordable Housing for Educational Achievement Demonstration Act (AHEAD Act), sponsored by U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), would provide funding to help school districts, housing authorities, and community partners to collaborate in unprecedented ways to address children’s education and housing needs in a coordinated fashion. Under this new program, school districts would apply in partnership with local housing authorities and other community-based organizations for a grant from the U.S. Department of Education to implement innovative projects to:

1. Address and prevent child and family homelessness
2. Promote educational stability and academic achievement
3. Improve outcomes for children and youth from low-income families
Text of the legislation can be found here:

A one-pager on the bill can be found here:
Please use the form below to endorse this important legislation. For more information about the legislation, please contact Leila Schocet, Policy Advisor, Senate HELP Committee, at

SchoolHouse Connection
Council of Large Public Housing Authorities
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